An ideal alignment of the teeth can only be beneficial for a healthy smile.

Malocclusion: what is it?

Dental malocclusion is a term used to describe the misalignment of teeth. This can lead to bite problems, where the upper and lower teeth don’t align properly. This can take the form of overlapping teeth, excessive space between teeth or an abnormal bite.


Untreated malocclusion can lead to abnormal tooth wear, headaches, jaw and joint pain, chewing problems, and even pronunciation difficulties. What’s more, an uncorrected malocclusion can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Did you know?

Malocclusion affects around 70% of people.

It is often treated to restore an aesthetic smile, but the importance of caring for it also helps to avoid health problems in general.

Everything you need to know about malocclusion:

How does the dentist treat malocclusion?

In the event of malocclusion, consult your dentist or orthodontic specialist.

With traditional braces or Invisalign Invisalign® clear aligners, we offer a discreet treatment that gently realigns your teeth.

Highly appreciated by adults, this transparent and discreet system is not limited to relatively simple treatments, but can also be adapted to more complex treatments.

In the case of small, unsightly dental blockages, a shorter treatment may suffice. For complex treatments, one to two years may be necessary.

How can I restore a healthy, harmonious smile?

Here’s our advice:

  • At the first sign of malocclusion, consult your dentist or orthodontic specialist.
  • To avoid any complications (cavities, gum disease, etc.), be vigilant about your dental hygiene.
  • Boost your confidence with a dazzling smile! After your orthodontic treatment, discover our teeth whitening to brighten up your smile even more.

When should I consult?

We recommend visiting your dentist at least once or twice a year, even if there are no apparent symptoms. Whether you’re an adult or a child, our specialists can help you treat malocclusion with the right treatment.

What factors can aggravate a malocclusion?
Poor dental hygiene
Thumb sucking
Injury resulting in misalignment
Missing teeth